When The Perfect Candidate is Not Out There, Who Do You Hire?

So, you’re on the hunt for your unicorn—the perfect candidate who ticks all the boxes. But what if that magical person just isn’t out there? You might need to rethink your strategy in today’s competitive labor market. Should you focus on fit, culture, experience, or potential? Let’s dive into it!

Hiring For Profit

Picture this: you find someone who gets you. They think, work like you, and fit right into your company’s vibe. Sounds perfect, right? But there’s more to consider.


  • Less turnover: People who feel they fit are most likely to stick around.
  • More engagement: Employees who fit well are generally happier and more engaged.
  • Stability and growth: A good fit can drive company stability and promote growth since everyone’s rowing in the same direction.


  • Stifles innovation: Hiring people who think just like you can limit fresh, innovative ideas.
  • Creates a “yes-man” culture: No healthy conflict exists and diverse perspectives.
  • Overlooks diverse talent: You might miss out on great candidates who don’t perfectly “fit” but could bring valuable perspectives, experience, and skills.

Hiring For Culture

Now, let’s talk culture. You want someone who shares your values and work style. It’s like finding a new member who clicks with everyone.


  • Positive employees: Employees feel more fulfilled and motivated when values align.
  • Long-term success: Cultural compatibility can lead to long-term career satisfaction and success.
  • Peace of mind: Knowing they fit the culture, you’ll feel more confident in your hiring decisions.


  • Lack of diverse ideas: Similar to hiring for fit, focusing solely on culture can limit the range of perspectives.
  • Risk of similarity: Too much emphasis on culture can create a bias where everyone thinks alike, which can be detrimental to innovation.

Hiring For Experience

What about experience? You want someone who’s been there, done that, and can hit the ground running. Sounds efficient, right? Not always.


  • Faster onboarding: Experienced candidates require less time to get up to speed.
  • Immediate expertise: They bring valuable skills and knowledge from day one.


  • Learning curve still exists: Every company has its processes and culture, so there’s always something new to learn.
  • Limits your talent pool: Focusing only on experience can shrink the number of viable candidates.
  • Potential culture clashes: Experienced hires might struggle to adapt to your unique company culture, leading to friction.

Hiring For Potential

Finally, let’s consider potential. You’re looking for someone with the skills to grow and thrive, even if they’re not the perfect fit right now.


  • Larger talent pool: You open yourself up to a broader range of candidates.
  • Encourages development and loyalty: Investing in your employees’ growth can foster loyalty and commitment.
  • Adds flexibility and creativity: Employees hired for potential can bring fresh perspectives and adapt easily to new challenges.


  • Requires time and investment: Developing potential takes time, resources, and patience.
  • Steep learning curves: It might take longer for these hires to become fully productive.
  • No guarantees: Despite your investment, there’s always a risk they might not stay long-term or meet expectations.

The Balanced Approach

So, who do you hire? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Think about what works best for your business and the role you’re hiring for. Ask yourself:

  • What’s negotiable? What skills or traits can you be flexible about?
  • What’s non-negotiable? What are the absolute must-haves for this role?
  • Who can shine with the support you offer? Consider the support and development opportunities you can provide to help your new hire succeed.

Answer these questions, and you’ll be on your way to finding the right person, even if they aren’t a perfect unicorn.


Balancing fit, culture, experience, and potential is key. Each approach has its upsides and downsides, so consider what your company really needs.

Want to chat more about this or recruitment and hiring topics? Reach out to me at tracy@essencerecruitment.ca. I’d love to hear from you!

Tracy Arno, CEO/Founder
Essence Recruitment

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