The Essence Experience:
Quality Candidates. When you hire Essence, we have access to deeper, better-quality networks of potential candidates. You can’t take chances on not finding the very best person available to fit with your organization and culture. We are experts at what we do, utilizing a unique recruitment plan with every recruit to ensure we are finding the talent that meets your needs.
We’re Nimble, Efficient and Experienced. We have worked with companies big and small and specialize in finding the right executives. Our education and experience allow us to efficiently define the scope of the position, determine the best culture fit. We stay on top of the market by continually completing market research, staying up to date with trends, etc. we can guide you on how to stay competitive to attract the best talent.
Time Savings. Getting the best possible candidate means you have to spend a lot of time going through detailed recruitment and interview processes. Ask yourself what your time is worth, the hours and stress you spend on hiring far outweigh our fees and the peace of mind we provide that you are being well taken care of and capitalizing on the best talent opportunities. Furthermore, we save our clients time and money by filling positions more swiftly. Keeping a position open is costly and reduces productivity within an organization. If a position goes unfilled for a long period of time, chances are the duties and responsibilities of the position are either being ignored or passed on to another employee, making it more difficult for them to focus on their own role.
We know how to Communicate. We are honest, transparent and respectful. We want to make sure you’re always kept up to date with the challenges, successes and updates. Secondly, we are experts at gathering information from potential candidates to uncover and identify any highly valuable assets and red flags immediately.