Growing a business from Saskatchewan

To be an Entrepreneur is extremely rewarding however can be very challenging. It takes a curious combination of passion to make a difference for clients, an appetite for risk, and an over-developed work ethic.

For those of us located in Saskatchewan, scaling up beyond the province is a challenge. Even when we’re more qualified than larger competitors based in other provinces, there is a marked bias against the ‘small guy’.

That’s why our biggest challenge often is our own community. In the case of my company, Essence enjoys amazing loyalty from local clients on local recruitment searches. But when it comes to a national search, even Saskatchewan-based companies often show a bias toward the “bigger is better” mentality. The prevailing myth is that larger companies in big cities are much more qualified and have access to more potential hires from the East to the West. Yet decision-makers often don’t factor in culture or fit. Has the potential recruiter ever been to Saskatchewan? (Do they even know how to pronounce it?) There may be more people in other parts of Canada, but Saskatchewan is a unique place, with interesting aspects to it that can make or break a successful search for a great hire. In addition, companies that are ‘from away’ can’t genuinely persuade the best candidates that Saskatchewan is a great place to live – one worth relocating their family to start a new life.

Essence was created to focus on the human in human resources. I work hard to provide each client with a hire who is a great fit that meets their culture and values. Our reputation matches this value proposition and it’s why we’ve been so successful. Our goal is to help as many companies as possible to bring executives and those in the professional ranks into Saskatchewan. So, whether it’s recruiting and HR consulting or other services, I would urge Saskatchewan-based companies to value local organizations. After all, bigger isn’t always better.

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