Do We Consider Culture When Recruiting – Absolutely!

Where do I even start? I’m sure this question has crossed your mind at some point if you’ve ever been in the hiring business. Rest assured, you aren’t alone. Since its inception 12 years ago, Essence understands how hard it can be to find experienced candidates who “fit” into each company’s culture and values.
This can be, at times, one of the hardest parts of our job, although one of the most important, as it creates a cohesive and positive work environment, fosters employee engagement, and attracts top talent. When it comes to hiring new team members, finding candidates who align with your company culture is JUST as crucial as assessing their skills and qualifications.

Let’s explore effective strategies for identifying and recruiting qualified candidates who WILL thrive within your company culture.

Put It In Words! Define Your Company Culture:

When advertising job openings and engaging with potential candidates, make sure to communicate your company culture effectively. What does that mean? It starts with clearly articulating your values and what sets your organization apart from others, be authentic. I suggest you use your website, job descriptions/postings, and social media platforms to showcase your company’s distinctive culture. Not only will this attract candidates who resonate with your values and are more likely to thrive in your work environment, but this will help likely candidates get an impression of your company right away.

Let’s Get Technical! Culture Fit Assessments:

Consider incorporating culture fit assessments into your recruitment process to gauge a candidate’s fit with your company culture. Well, that all sounds easy on paper, but how do you go about RETRIEVING this information in the recruitment process?

Glad you asked! Start by asking candidates about their values, work preferences, how they handle certain situations, habits, and communication styles (objective topics like that). This will provide valuable insights into their compatibility with your organization’s culture and an expectation of how they might react in different work scenarios. Several assessment tools are also offered in the market that are very helpful,

The Big Moment! The Interview:

Now that you have a better feel for the potential candidate’s “fit”, the interview process is your one-on-one evaluation of the candidate’s behaviours, attitudes, and interpersonal skills. Look for signs that align with your company’s culture, such as teamwork, adaptability, and a growth mindset. Ask value-focused questions that allow candidates to share their experiences and speak to their values, for example, if honesty is a value, give them a situation to test their honesty and see how they answer it.

Go Digital! The Use of Online Platforms:

Don’t shy away from reviewing candidates’ social media profiles, professional networks, and online presence. Particularly, look for alignment between their personal brand (information they share, ways they interact with others on certain platforms, communication style, etc.) and your organization’s values. However, remember to take certain items with a grain of salt – It’s important to respect privacy and not make judgments solely based on online profiles.

So, does all this information make you a recruitment pro?

Probably not (otherwise, we’d be out of business), but you should feel more confident in defining your company’s culture, effectively communicating it, and implementing tactics to assess candidate cultural “fit.”

Finding employees who align with your company values and thrive in your organization are key to the success of a solid team and the long-term success of your business in the community you serve.

Interested in speaking further? Contact us at or check out our website at to learn how Essence Recruitment can help you find and KEEP valuable employees that “fit”.

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