Focusing on Culture and Values: How We’re Boosting Innovation at Essence

For a decade, Essence has focused on recruiting for culture fit. We believe that while skills can be taught, an employee who doesn’t fit the company culture can disrupt the organization and impact the bottom line. We wanted people who were happy where they worked and with whom they worked with and for. But now, we are questioning: Are we stopping innovation, creativity, and future growth?

When you hire for a good fit, you tend to think and agree on the same things. There is no one to ask hard questions, bring new ideas, or challenge the status quo. At Essence, we are inadvertently fostering a bias against people who do not think the same as we do.

Moving from Culture Fit to Culture Add, keeping your Values Front and Centre.

We need to shift our focus from culture fit to culture add to eliminate this bias. This means always keeping our core values in mind while hiring people who can bring new contributions and perspectives.

How Do We Do This? Craft Inclusive Job Descriptions

Job descriptions should reflect your company culture and how the new hire will contribute to the culture and the role. Clearly outline the past experiences and skills—both soft and transferable—that they need to succeed.

Add Value-focused Interview Questions

During interviews, it’s crucial to ensure your values are clearly communicated. Ask targeted questions that relate to your values. For example, if collaboration is one of your values, ask:
“Tell me about a time when you had to collaborate with a diverse team to achieve a common goal. How did you approach this, and what was the outcome?”

Foster a Culture of Transparency and Openness

Create an environment where ideas are welcomed and celebrated, even if they differ from the norm. Encourage transparency, openness, and collaboration.

The Benefits of Embracing Culture

Embracing cultural add is a sign of a great company that represents adaptability and innovation at the forefront. Diverse viewpoints are essential for innovation. Ultimately, cultural addition leads to a more vibrant, dynamic, and successful organization.

Cultural addition is not just a hiring strategy; it’s a great business decision. By valuing and seeking out diverse collaboration, you will be a leader who will stand out, bring new ideas forward, and pave the way for record growth and success. Culture Add will be the essence of your success as we are continually improving company culture and being a great place to work.

Interested in joining the conversation? I would love to hear from you.
Tracy Arno, Founder/CEO
Essence Recruitment

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