Recruitment can be a challenging part of the job. In most cases, business owners, managers, or leadership teams have not had formal training on how to source, evaluate, and hire the right fit within a short period of time. And yet, it is a crucial part of the job description.
You may think that if you hire the wrong candidate, you’ll simply replace them when the time comes—this is a costly way of thinking! According to the Financial Post, employee turnover costs companies an average of $22,279 each year, plus lost productivity.
To save time, effort, and money, you might outsource your recruitment efforts to an external firm.
But what if it just doesn’t make sense for your organization to retain a recruitment firm? That’s why I created this program: Improve Your Recruiting Skills.
Perhaps you don’t have a dedicated recruiter with expertise on how to hire staff for a small business. Or maybe your hiring goal in 2023 is to increase your retention rate. In this program, you’ll learn how to save time & money attracting the right people for your team.
What to Expect in the Program
Defining the Timeline
Did you know it can take 42 days to recruit & hire new employees?
In order to manage your time & expectations, let’s highlight everything that is involved, from recruitment to hiring. If you’ve worked with a recruitment agency in the past, you may be familiar with some of the major milestones.
On day one, we’ll outline the 9 steps involved, including how to write a job ad & description that highlights your organization as an employer of choice.
Tools & Methods
Should you use a dedicated software or database? Using an applicant-tracking software will help you stay organized and, most importantly, save you time!
Which one is the best fit for your organization?
Marketing Vacancies
Online job boards are great for applicants who are actively looking for new roles. But what about those who are only passively searching, or not at all? How do you bring your job openings in front of the top talent you want to hire?
Job-seekers rely on social networks now to find & apply for jobs. In order to get in front of more potential candidates, you need to create a marketing strategy that advertises your openings.
Save Time & Money
Did you know that it costs an average of $4,200 to fill a vacancy? Recruiting & onboarding a new employee successfully requires financial investment, so remember to care for your candidates and set them up for success.
That means maximizing your efforts the first time around and creating an offer that cannot be refused.
Where to Go From here
I’ve spent over 25 years hiring & training top talent for small- and medium-sized businesses and non-profit organizations. For over 11 years, I’ve built a business upon helping companies grow & succeed by finding top talent.
And now, I’m teaching small- & medium-sized businesses and non-profits how to recruit on their own. Throughout this program, I’ll teach you how to save time & money, increase retention and reduce turnover, and ultimately, make the most of your long-term investment.
Available Dates
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
- February 7th, 14th, 28th, and March 7th, 2023
- April 11th, 18th, 25th, and May 2nd, 2023
Calgary, Alberta
- March 1st to 3rd, 2023
Additional dates will be added for Saskatoon, Calgary, and Regina.
Reach out to Essence Recruitment to sign-up or inquire about the funding available.